
Our 2024 Training and Competition Timetable

We have an exciting training and competition timetable for 2024. Make sure you download your copy now and join us at an event or training session soon!

If you want to come and have a go with they hub we offer a one FREE taster session, please book on by emailing Lead Coach Nic on Nicola.Robinson@pentathlongb.org

Once you're a full member we operate an online session booking system called Heja which is an online app. You will be sent your log in details once your membership form has been returned.

We have a Community North West Pentathlon WhatsApp group which is a great place to share training updates, ask questions and share comments about our training. We can add you to this at any point.

Training Timetable

Meet our Coaches

Nic (Head Coach)

Nic was a former International Modern Pentathlete now turned practitioner as a Doctor in Exercise Physiology where she leads the Sport Coaching BSc programme at Liverpool John Moores University. Coach Nic founded the hub as an official PentathlonGB club in 2011 and has been Lead Coach throughout compiling the seasons plan, meso cycle objectives to weekly session overview.

She is a fully qualified Laser Run Coach and Tutor, Pentathlon GB Biathle and Triathle Coach, Level 2 UK Athletics and Level 1 British Weightlifting.

Nic's primary role within the hub focuses on the coaching provisions leading on the annual training plan, meso cycle objectives down to the coaching the training units delivered on a week by week basis.

She also manage the North West hub race series which is made up of the family of sport options to align with the Pentathlon GB National calendar to prepare our athletes at all levels.


Originally from North Wales, Doug settled in Manchester after his last posting there in the Army. He started his coaching journey whilst in the Armed forces in Germany, initially becoming a mountaineering and climbing instructor before moving into sport coaching.

After leaving the armed forces he reignited his passion for coaching whilst volunteering as a Air Rifle skills instructor in the Scout Association, working with 6-25 year olds, before progressing into Air Pistol, 3 Position and Prone rimfire disciplines, and qualifying as a National Smallbore Rifle Association County Coach.

Doug currently coaches in shooting disciplines within Greater Manchester, target sprint and is a coach in the National Scout Rifle Squad, and now brings his experience in coaching to the North West Pentathlon Hub, having recently qualified as a Laser Run instructor.


I'm Jack - I have been a member of the Hub since 2014 when it was still a Biathle Hub. Friendships were made and it soon became my favourite training session of the week, even though it was tough training I never complained (well very rarely). From there I competed at National Level in Biathlon & Biathle and was invited on to one of pathways for Pentathlon GB. I then started training in laser shooting and fencing to develop myself within the sport, all with Nic's amazing support and coaching.

As an under 13 athlete I qualified to represent Great Britain at the European Biathle Championships and again as an Under 15 Athlete at European Biathle and World Triathle Championships. I love the diversity of the different sports with Pentathlon , the Pentathlon GB pathway is developing me as an elite athlete.

I wouldn't have been able to achieve any of this without the Hub and the support of Nic. I am also a volunteer coach at the Hub and have gained my lazer gun assistance coach qualification


I started as a parent and my role has grown over the years as his daughters commitment to the sport has grown. I bring a range of coaching experience I'm qualified as a laser coach and have many years experience as a level 2 swim teacher.

The thing that drew me into helping was I believe we have something very special club in The Hub. It has such a all inclusive spirit. It doesn't matter what standard you are or age all abilities are welcome.

We have World Champions training along side athletes whose goals is simply to complete the race. This diversity in age and ability is wonderful and I believe quite unique. There is a really family vibe where all are encouraged to be their best selves. We are just Hubbers!


Hi I'm Zach Terras and I have two roles at North West Pentahlon Hub, one as an athlete and the other as an assistant coach. I have been at the Hub now for 8 years and over the time I've progressed with my running, swimming, lazer shooting and now I'm helping out as a coach.

I have a few qualifications in sports coaching and these are assistant coach PentathlonGB Lazer Shooting qualification, ASA assistant Swimming poolside helper level 1 England Athletics Level 1 volunteer qualification. These all supported me to where I am today helping Nic, Steve and Doug.

I am currently studying Level 3 BTech in sports coaching with Blackpool Football Community Trust. I really enjoy coaching and hope that I can play a part in helping people progress